Saturday, June 18, 2011

Last Video For NOW (Featuring Various Wake Up Crew)

‎"Our Soul harvests RAW Experience (XP Points) and, like feedback loops, we contribute our memories and learning experiences in life BACK to DIVINE MIND, where collective memories of every life ever lived are stored as if in an infinite processing unit(y). We are ONE GREAT SELF, collectively reorganizing energy into greater complexity and coherence, to master the expression of self-consciousness."

Emperor of The Self

Some rhymage of me own making :)


Emperor of the self
with 100 billion cells
I rule over my kingdom
with holy holistic wisdom
my heart beats songs of freedom
my loves ad infinitum
as hollow as an atom
I'm a mystical quantum phantom
an emblem of my fortune
this tantrum reps my anthem
genuine words I tell em
so now you see you human
you inherited a miracle
from miracle to mere skill
100 billion brain cells
the fuck you capable of
the meaning of infallible
reality is malleable
as above so below
by the way
100 billion stars in this galaxy
while we're swimming
through the milky way
we still got bills to pay
oh the problems of yesterday
have effect yet don't exist
why persist
before this life is missed
wondering how you never lived
shoulda been coulda been
worry bout if you live in sin
why you think I wear a grin
present moment I be chillin
spittin as fast as lightning
don't miss a thing
truth can sting
like a scorpion
sting for fun
truth not meant to be undone
with a gone pointed at yo tongue
no song this hot can be unsung
it can weigh a ton on yo mind
ideas are toys as you'll find
search for truth's a game
don't be blind
your ass will get left behind
nature ain't kind to dragging feet
while you suckin on da dragon's teet
metaphor's that can't be beat
them ears know what's really sweet
because between them is the seat of your

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

inspired by the love in my life ♥

What does it mean "to be" when History is really His-Story? When what truly Is or Istory, seems to be the biggest Mystery or Missed Story? What if History is an Illusion & Istory is what it is "to be?"

Be Here & Now - There & Then - Everywhere & Everywhen


There is an awareness of the body

There is an awareness of having awareness with in a body

There is an awareness of being awareness wearing a body

There is an awareness of being awareness creating potentially unlimited bodies to experience potentially unlimited amounts of experiences for it Self (Awareness) experiencing seemingly infinite variations of humanoid bodies all across intelligent existence!