Thursday, March 11, 2010

Personal Methods & Metaphors For Transcendence "Hope This Helps"

Some advice to align yourself with your higher consciousness:

1. Untangle your mind - be conservative with your mental energy and where you chose to focus it. Do not waste your thoughts and feelings on impermanent sufferings but instead chose to encounter your wounds with courage and compassion, and return to clear-mindedness asap. Frequently consider where you place your focus, for that is what you are energizing.

2. Cultivate Infinite Consciousness - When your mind is readily available for being aware of other things other than lower vibrations such as needs, worries, conditions, doubt, insufficiency, etc., your consciousness is ready to transcend the physical circuits and attune to something more everlasting; our source, Infinite Awareness. The "I Am' presence exists in all things. There are many ways to recapture the presence of Infinite Awareness into your perception, I'd suggest you wield your own imagination, but for starters here is an example of one I have had success with: Focus on deep, harmonious breathing from your lower abdomen, eyes, tongue, and shoulders relaxed, spine upright (I call this the posture of empowerment), and then almost pretend that you were just born into the moment you find yourself in. Like an 'Oh! Here I Am! I Am here now perceiving this point of observation on Earth from this particular human vehicle. Ah ha! This human's operating system supports the feelings of peace and love! A beautiful opportunity to expand consciousness is truly at hand...'

3. The Meta-Programmer - With clear-mindedness and expanded awareness comes the awareness of being aware. Some call it I squared, or Intelligence studying Intelligence. From this transcendent vista of yourself you can be a meta-programmer and study your conditioned beliefs and thought structures, behavior patterns, belief systems etc., and then program them according to how you responsibly chose to do so. This is when experience may begin to challenge the integrity and acuity of your life's True Will. Clarifying your True Will is essential for the maintenance of a multidimensional human. Congrats you are now experiencing your higher circuits of intelligence!

If you can maintain a free mind and conserve the energy of your thoughts, the thoughts you're inspired to expand with, or thoughts you chose to think, are that much more energized and have a greater ripple effect on the unified field of existence, this vast holographic playing field for our eternal spiritual selves. Release your highest intentions and desires with love and trust that they they will return. Don't worry about any aspect on how they will return, for if you are living through your heart, the return path home should not take long.


If you do not understand the chakra system or the 8-circuit model of the brain, this will not be very clear to you. Therefore, &

Rising up the chakras, or circuits, making oneself a functioning antennae for divine wisdom and universal intelligence we start at

Circuit 1 - root chakra- bio/survival - ready to transcend once survival anxieties and physical setbacks are quelled
Circuit 2 - sacral chakra - emotional/territorial - ready to transcend when emotional attachments and territorial anxieties are quelled
Circuit 3 - solar plexis - modeling and interpreting reality - power & will - ready to transcend upon learning and integrating the lessons of duality and proper use of one's True Will. Transcending service-to-self for service-to-others goes a long, to the higher circuits
Circuit 4 - heart chakra - social/sexual - ready to transcend when your wisdom brings you to the knowing of divine oneness and inherent unity. feelings of inextricable conectedness, self-acceptance, empathy and compassion are abound here
Circuit 5 - throat chakra - neurosomatic - ready to transcend when the mind is liberated from entangling belief systems and vibrational anchors dealing with beliefs about health, expression, peace, pleasure and well-being. Bliss and clear-mindedness are abound here
Circuit 6 - third eye - neuroelectric - ready to transcend when there is an integration of the function of higher intelligence where dreams, signs, symbols and synchronicities are able to be perceived as they occur. Meditation and mind-body connection open doors to psychic and intuitive abilities
Circuit 7 - crown chakra - neurogenetic - the realm of collective unconscious, archetypal presence, and library of information stored inside DNA may be accessed. Out of body experiences, liberation from mortal consciousness and introduction to extra-dimensional activities. Probably won't be transcended in a rush!!

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