Monday, November 29, 2010

Enlightened Contact?

It was Dave and I out in the backyard. We lit up our cigarettes and scanned the skies, gauging how high we were lol. We’re just feeling nice, having good times with good conversations and feeling particularly uplifted, and had been through out the day for the very most part. Dave and I worked for a golf course in Suffolk County, and they provided housing besides the 12th hole, which had a gate dividing its backyard from the fairway and beyond.

Then the light ship showed up. We noticed its unusual appearance right away, but to see it move up and down, rather than in a straight line, and to be more silent than a gust of wind, it became evident in no time that this was really unusual. So with that confirmation we continue to watch it. It appeared as an orange orb. As I made eye contact with it I begin to sense something I felt could have been a type of telepathic connection. I sensed that it was noticing us and not just roaming the skies while we just happened to notice from the ground. I saw it as it saw me.

It had descended from the sky and came down over the trees, seeming to land a considerable distance from us, yet within the golf course perimeter. The moment it touched down it turned off, and was no longer visible within the thick darkness. Dave and I walked forward and when we approached the gate, there began a light show. There were what looked like spot lights appearing and disappearing from all visible sides and spots around the golf course. There were also lights that looked like brief down-to-up sweeps of light beams which looked like someone turning on a flashlight pointing toward the ground, then raising it up and then turning it off. They were appearing simultaneously, as in a dance, noticeably drawing closer to where we stood, and as they closed in on us, there came audible bells that accompanied each flashing of light, and it became a light show musical! It seemed positively jovial, a gesture of enlightened contact I felt.

It then all stopped and Dave and I stood in gratitude and exclaimed about the beauty we had just witnessed! There was a noticeable increase in the sensitivity about the vibes I picked up from the atmosphere. As I noticed this, a big tan colored dog came in view from our side, sniffing along the fence until it ran to about 15 feet in front of us. As soon as it took notice of us, animating as much effort to be perceived as aggressive and intimidating as possible, it stepped towards us, barking and growling, pacing side by side yet not advancing! We stood our ground, and as it got closer, Dave assured me “you’re not supposed to be afraid.” “I know,” said I, sensing this intuitive knowing.

While closing in on us, a voice from the middle of the course yelled in a deep voice “Zooey!” The dog halted it’s advance and waiting for her next command. “Come here, girl!” She ran off into the darkness. “Was my dog barking at YOU?!” “Yeah, but she’s a good girl!” I yelled back.” He called out “goodnight!” I smiled and returned a goodnight. Then Dave said, “Well, should we go back inside?” I looked into his eyes and said, “Obviously, it’s just begun! That was the initiation! It’s time to make real enlightened contact!” He dropped his eyes for a moment and I said, “Yes, this is really happening!!” Big nervous smiles!!

Then we stepped out onto the course, expecting face to face contact, perhaps something formal and typical. We figured we’d find the man with the dog, but we didn’t see him, and at some point we feel like we’re chasing ghosts with no luck. Then over the 14th fairway, a bright light coming from a black triangle shaped ship beams towards us. It approaches slowly and silently. Dave, bless his heart, pulls out his camera phone and snaps a shot of it (pics which remain on his phone) and then it moves directly above us and as it hovers over our heads, it seems to pulsate powerful vibrations that take over our moment. We are standing there, breathing deep breaths, I recall having a very clear state of mind, no interrupting thoughts, just moments of clarity, and I feel powerful consecutive waves of vibrations pulsating through my body, leaving no cell, molecule, or atom untouched. Its duration was a good moment in time, and we enjoyed every second of it. It was transcendence, a taste of some uplifting feeling, perhaps a DNA upgrade of some sort. When it was over it was over. They just took off.

Though I can’t be 100% certain, during the vibration treatment, I thought I saw a glimpse of some energetic being. I say I can’t be certain because it did not appear in the physical. I remember my sight was flooded with a faint colorful flowing pattern and in this flow seemed to stand a short being with a big head and big almond eyes which were horizontal rather than slanted (as some greys are depicted). This one seemed to be a ‘short grey’ and wore a robe. I sensed benevolence, mutual respect, an enlightened presence.

Like I said, when it was over, they left. Their presence departed, and I laughed heartily. Dave asked why I was laughing so much. I told him we now have this story to tell and it’s going to be a trip to tell people!!! So we actually both called our parents first and told them about it. And so began the rest of our lives :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Afterlife With A Crossing Guard: My DMT Journey

Dave and I warmed up the vaporizor, sat up on his bed, pillows down, ready to go. Once prepared, we drew the longest hits we could, held them in, and each hit catapulted us furtherrr... I felt like I was on shrooms after the first hit! With my eyes open, I can see very fine details, recognizing all of the energy as it is: information; all images of such refracting into my eyes from the light coated landscape of a familiar environment. Ordinary objects, alive with energy, refracting light from endless angles as my sense of depth perception morphed along with these bending rays of light. I was bending. Looking at my hands, I felt like I could see deeper than my skin. And I sensed a deep familiarity with the happenstance surrounding me possessing a hand in the first place. Deeper than this lifetime, I felt connected with an ancestry of hand-wielding persons along the lines of time.

The vape kept hitting, and so we decided to take a few more hits, lay down and close our eyes. The ordinary darkness behind closed eyes was non-existent, and instead was replaced by an extraordinary, physically alien landscape, made of geometrical patterns that were vibrant and alive with memory, archetypal imagery, and the confident presence of a totally aware intelligence existing in the knowing of eternal life. And it flowed through in me and through out me. I sensed a great feeling of familiarity with this presence, as I knew intuitively that this was a much greater part of us all, connecting us all. I sensed the lives of anyone who ever lived within this intelligence, each life memory being like a feedback loop to the total experiences of us all, each of us generating raw experience to be collectively processed into a magnificent Divine Mind much greater than can be known.

After what I guess could have been a few minutes of observing this brilliant landscape, a very clear and distinct entity approached quite suddenly and alarmed me, for his quickness and totally alien appearance brought shock over me. It appeared to me as a Praying Mantis not much bigger than me, but full of strangeness. Its texture and color was like fire, but it didn't seem like actual fire. Aware of it's presence and curiosity with me, I greeted it as positively as I could, trying not to appear as though it upset me. I felt like it was scanning me in quite a cold manner, and without positive reinforcement as to what it was doing. I felt my heart rate go so high that I even felt my sense of mortality dwindling as I felt like my physical body could not handle the energy or something. Perhaps I was in the grip of my own fear. This fear put me in a protective stance, and I crossed my arms at my heart, and called upon my spirit guides. My biosurvival anxiety put my self back into my body.

So I opened my eyes, hoping I would be able to wake up, and I asked Dave how he was doing. I realized I was OK. He told me he was good and that he was seeing landscapes and wanted to go back in because he thought he hadn't quite broken through yet. I finally told him that I broke through. I told him I saw an alien and it was inspecting me. He told me he sensed a presence that was inspecting him as well! Describing it as a ball of light, I suppose he didn't see it face to face to the extent that I did because he wasn't quite there. Fuck, I felt like I crossed the threshold between this world and the spirit world!

I knew the difference between breaking through and not at this point and I knew I wasn't there anymore. So I wrote down the experience just in case I forgot what the details. I'm surprised at how much I can still recall now on the following day, and I'm grateful to have that memory on bank to revisit anytime I want. I feel like I experienced a near-death experience. I surely opened the 8th circuit of the brain, the psychoatomic (non-local) circuit, for at least 15-20 minutes.

Having activated the circuits of my higher intelligence centers, I intend to integrate these energies, allowing more and more universal light into my being, continuously raising my vibrational signature as an act of living prayer of devotion to living my light, speaking my truth, and carrying this truth with me around the world and beyond. I saw something that is likened to God, and perhaps most people would be convinced that it was if they were to encounter such awesome awareness, though I'll say that the true magnitude of One Infinite Creator is far more than that which filled my perspective on this occasion. Can't say the same for Dave though. Sorry buddy, maybe next time!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Personal Methods & Metaphors For Transcendence "Hope This Helps"

Some advice to align yourself with your higher consciousness:

1. Untangle your mind - be conservative with your mental energy and where you chose to focus it. Do not waste your thoughts and feelings on impermanent sufferings but instead chose to encounter your wounds with courage and compassion, and return to clear-mindedness asap. Frequently consider where you place your focus, for that is what you are energizing.

2. Cultivate Infinite Consciousness - When your mind is readily available for being aware of other things other than lower vibrations such as needs, worries, conditions, doubt, insufficiency, etc., your consciousness is ready to transcend the physical circuits and attune to something more everlasting; our source, Infinite Awareness. The "I Am' presence exists in all things. There are many ways to recapture the presence of Infinite Awareness into your perception, I'd suggest you wield your own imagination, but for starters here is an example of one I have had success with: Focus on deep, harmonious breathing from your lower abdomen, eyes, tongue, and shoulders relaxed, spine upright (I call this the posture of empowerment), and then almost pretend that you were just born into the moment you find yourself in. Like an 'Oh! Here I Am! I Am here now perceiving this point of observation on Earth from this particular human vehicle. Ah ha! This human's operating system supports the feelings of peace and love! A beautiful opportunity to expand consciousness is truly at hand...'

3. The Meta-Programmer - With clear-mindedness and expanded awareness comes the awareness of being aware. Some call it I squared, or Intelligence studying Intelligence. From this transcendent vista of yourself you can be a meta-programmer and study your conditioned beliefs and thought structures, behavior patterns, belief systems etc., and then program them according to how you responsibly chose to do so. This is when experience may begin to challenge the integrity and acuity of your life's True Will. Clarifying your True Will is essential for the maintenance of a multidimensional human. Congrats you are now experiencing your higher circuits of intelligence!

If you can maintain a free mind and conserve the energy of your thoughts, the thoughts you're inspired to expand with, or thoughts you chose to think, are that much more energized and have a greater ripple effect on the unified field of existence, this vast holographic playing field for our eternal spiritual selves. Release your highest intentions and desires with love and trust that they they will return. Don't worry about any aspect on how they will return, for if you are living through your heart, the return path home should not take long.


If you do not understand the chakra system or the 8-circuit model of the brain, this will not be very clear to you. Therefore, &

Rising up the chakras, or circuits, making oneself a functioning antennae for divine wisdom and universal intelligence we start at

Circuit 1 - root chakra- bio/survival - ready to transcend once survival anxieties and physical setbacks are quelled
Circuit 2 - sacral chakra - emotional/territorial - ready to transcend when emotional attachments and territorial anxieties are quelled
Circuit 3 - solar plexis - modeling and interpreting reality - power & will - ready to transcend upon learning and integrating the lessons of duality and proper use of one's True Will. Transcending service-to-self for service-to-others goes a long, to the higher circuits
Circuit 4 - heart chakra - social/sexual - ready to transcend when your wisdom brings you to the knowing of divine oneness and inherent unity. feelings of inextricable conectedness, self-acceptance, empathy and compassion are abound here
Circuit 5 - throat chakra - neurosomatic - ready to transcend when the mind is liberated from entangling belief systems and vibrational anchors dealing with beliefs about health, expression, peace, pleasure and well-being. Bliss and clear-mindedness are abound here
Circuit 6 - third eye - neuroelectric - ready to transcend when there is an integration of the function of higher intelligence where dreams, signs, symbols and synchronicities are able to be perceived as they occur. Meditation and mind-body connection open doors to psychic and intuitive abilities
Circuit 7 - crown chakra - neurogenetic - the realm of collective unconscious, archetypal presence, and library of information stored inside DNA may be accessed. Out of body experiences, liberation from mortal consciousness and introduction to extra-dimensional activities. Probably won't be transcended in a rush!!

Talking To God

Life has been interesting as fuck. Experience validates that experience becomes more magical as consciousness grows. Cultivating Infinite Awareness is an art to life. Like a balancing act on top of a canvas. Your spiritual self lights up with conscious attention, and therefore, until you happen to be at a stage where the awareness of your True Nature is effortlessly awake, we have to remind ourselves frequently to bring us into this moment of clarity where Infinite Awareness becomes the fertile ground from which our thoughts and experiences are born. In this moment a prime opportunity to chose unconditional self-determination exists. Experience validates that the more responsibility you take on when it comes to your experiences, feelings, responses, thoughts, desires, intentions, your reality, the more your experiences show you how true this is. How you truly are the creator of your life. Untangle your mind, cultivate Infinite Awareness, take personal responsibility for everything in your life, and then you can responsibly determine the course of your life. Life throws some fast ones, but remember it is up to you to respond as you do. Is your response to a shocking experience life-enhancing or life-diminishing?

I have been noticing my thoughts creating realities faster than ever, and if I don't see an event happen exactly as it was seen in my head, or as particularly desired, I do not spend much time suffering over the results I had originally lusted for, to use Crowley's principle of 'do not lust after results.' I release whatever disappointment I may have had with love, forgiveness, whatever it takes to move on and create more beautiful realities and continue to clarify my True Will, my true intent, my life purpose and all the supplemental desires, etc. Simultaneously, my True Will pours into my experience, and so does experience that challenges the clarity and integrity of my True Will. Life is a grand lesson, indeed! The more awareness embodied the more one may witness their own lessons as they unfold, and respond accordingly.

Hopefully through this blog I can continue to connect with like-minds of all kinds and places. In my personal experience, my desire to meet others on the path of empowerment has reaped some beautiful results. I think this is a time for us buddhas to converge and dream a better dream with each other!