Humanity is under a spell. The power, potential and beauty of the human spirit seems to be subdued by way of mass mind-manipulation. Distractions manufactured for the purpose of loathing the human destiny into a perpetual trance. As we accelerate towards our encounter with a very different future, are we going to be led by a group of secretive dark-suit wearing fascist scum or that which we know to be right in the sacred space of our hearts? Claim your power, it is inherent within your design, so divine, your body is a cellular community of 50-60 trillion cellular geniuses and your consciousness is the orchestrator. Throw the leadership off, throw your health off. Abandon fear for love and venture into the realms of higher consciousness. Expanded awareness. Ancient wisdom. The power to be responsible for your state of consciousness from moment to moment. Connect with nature. Visit your subconscious mind by willingly shutting down your thinking rational mind. Learn how to go to sleep and to dream with the understanding that you are dreaming. Use your imagination more often. Learn about the left and right hemisphere's of the brain and how very different they are from each other, the role of the pineal gland and the 8-circuit model of the brain. Unravel your beliefs and lay them out for what they are. Placebo your world with your imagination. Know your desires and intentions well as to hold a vibration of clarity of intent for attracting those experiences you call into your life. Dedroidify (.com ;-) Defrag your brain. Mechanistic behavior and addictive behavior will be an aspect of being that will be looked at - energy flows where attention goes - and these things will receive healing. It's all down to you, fellow Self of the Isness!
Discover that you are a microcosm, a miniature universe. You ARE the universe! You are everything at once because there is only one consciousness. Infinite Awareness expresses itself in infinite forms and variations. You are like a wave on an ocean, believing itself to be individual and unique but failing to feel the connectedness between your movements and the life-force underneath you.
Remember, you are the light, children of the rainbow.
On our return back to the source of Creation, each individual rainbow rediscovers that they must all converge back to unity as they pass through the divine pyramid prism from whence they passed.
We will be victorious!!!
Discover that you are a microcosm, a miniature universe. You ARE the universe! You are everything at once because there is only one consciousness. Infinite Awareness expresses itself in infinite forms and variations. You are like a wave on an ocean, believing itself to be individual and unique but failing to feel the connectedness between your movements and the life-force underneath you.
Remember, you are the light, children of the rainbow.
On our return back to the source of Creation, each individual rainbow rediscovers that they must all converge back to unity as they pass through the divine pyramid prism from whence they passed.
We will be victorious!!!
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